Assessment. Diagnosis. Treatment


FASD Resources.

Our Resources.

Resources by Dr Valerie mcginn

Dr Valerie McGinn has written these resources for professionals to understand FASD, how to identify it and how it impacts individuals.

External Resources.


FASD-CAN (Care Action Network) is the organisation that supports individuals with FASD and their parents, caregivers, whanau and professions.

The FASD Network

FASD Network of Saskatchewan resources includes a guide to awareness and understanding as well as excellent TIPS sheets and other interesting resources including TIPS for parents and caregivers, teachers, support workers, justice workers, coaches and employers.
The FASD Network Resources

Oranga Tamariki

Valuable FASD resources developed by Oranga Tamariki including useful videos about what works, FASD eyebite cards and links.
Oranga Tamariki FASD

Alcohol Healthwatch

Alcohol Healthwatch coordinate the FANNZ network with all news about FASD events and actions in NZ. Sign up for the newsletter to stay informed.
Alcohol Healthwatch FASD Resources

NOFASD Australia

Refer to the fact sheets to better identify and understand FASD.
NOFASD Australia Resources

Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education FASD resources for teachers
Ministry of Education - Resources for Teachers

Research surveys.

FASD Knowledge and Attitudes Survey in Justice Settings

Researchers from the University of Auckland are conducting research to understand the knowledge, attitudes, and awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) among New Zealand judges and lawyers. As a Judicial staff member, we invite you to take part in a short survey about FASD. The responses collected from the survey will remain anonymous and will be used to inform guidelines and National policy for addressing FASD, particularly in the Justice setting. 

Massey University PhD Research Project

Exploring the Information Needs and Behaviours of Stakeholders regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder to Inform Information Development and Delivery Practice.


Auckland Support Group

The meeting is on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm – 8.45pm in the lounge of the church in Blockhouse Bay. (Church of the Saviour, 2 Heaphy St, Blockhouse Bay.) For Caregivers, hosted by Caregivers.

South Auckland FASD Support Group
The meeting is on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 10am – 12noon at the Papakura Marae in Papakura. (29 Hunua Rd, Papakura.)
For Caregivers, hosted by Caregivers.


021 905 965
021 644 150